Nature’s Act Three

By Mike Keating

Whispering grasses
brushing together
Reaching towards
the late summer sun
yearning to be complete
As autumn grows near

Seeds of life bristle
Waiting to fly within
Falls first frost 

Orchestrated change
Fills the air 
sh sh sh
an age old tune of
seasonal rhythms 

Seeds fly in the breeze
soon Filtering within the 
Fallen grasses
Through snow
Through darkness
Through Thaw

we begin anew

About The Author

Mike Keating
Mike has been jotting down poetic verse since his sophomore English teacher, Mr. Healy, introduced free form poetry to the class. As an Emersonian philosopher, nature plays an important role in a transcendental way in many of Mr. Keating’s poetry. Nature becomes a clear metaphor for hopes, dreams, and sadness making way for resurrection possible. Mr. Keating is a well-known businessman and is a part time professor at Becker College in Worcester, Massachusetts.


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