The Christ Life

By David Norling

You can’t kill the Christ life
Okay, you can kill it
But you can’t keep it dead
This is the source of all hope

You don’t believe in the Abundance
That’s why you’re afraid
That’s why you hoard
And blame others for their lack

You believe in this thing
You call it the real world
The world of makers and takers
Criminals and innocents

Well, I don’t see it
How can it be real
I see a life fecund
Cascading generosity

Yes, we’ve paved over fruitful soil
Chosen war from fear of lack
Lack that we’ve created
But the things we make
Even death
Will not survive

They were buried with the Christ
The way, the truth, and the life
Life will not stay dead
Death it seems
Is just a part of Life

About The Author

David Norling
David Norling thinks of himself as becoming. The contexts within which the process of becoming takes place includes activities like owning and operating a carpet cleaning service, waking up with sentences that sometimes become poems, or apocalyptic aphorisms, and slow/walk/soaking in places of natural beauty. David dreams of Shalom and looks for opportunities to inspire others to consider possibilities that they’ve never imagined.  He collects his poems, musing, and other writings in a website:


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