The Gathering

By Linda M. Rhinehart Neas

The sun plays shadow games on apples newly picked.
Glowing garnet with flashes of gold and emerald –
jewels of the orchard – ripe with treasure.
Like benevolent pirates – Robin Hoods of farmland –
we harvest the best of the horde.
But what are jewels without settings – simply so many rocks –
So, we clean and polish, fitting our abundance
into bowls and baskets – offerings to those who thirst
for the crisp, bittersweet snap of apples newly picked.

© 2018 Linda M. Rhinehart Neas
About The Author

Linda M. Rhinehart Neas
Linda M. Rhinehart Neas has written three books of poetry, has contributed to various anthologies, and had a weekly column in two regional newspapersin Maine. She, also, wrote and edited an eBook, Returning to the Circle: Inspirational Wisdom from Women for Women, which is a 30-day journey of self-discovery. Linda is an educator, writer, poet, Wisdom teacher and Interfaith minister. She holds a Master of Education from UMass Amherst. She teaches English as a Second language for a non-profit as well as community college, holds workshops on writing and poetry throughout New England, and maintains a “ministry without walls” online. Linda lives in The Enchanted Cottage with her partner, Roger. She gains great insight and inspiration from her four daughters and growing number of grandchildren.




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