

A Pedagogy of Protest:
[For the Presidents of Universities
with Pro-Palestinian Encampments]

Snapshots From A
Colonized Planet

Impermanence, Uncertainty,

The Rise of Post-Pandemic

Living in a Mess

Madly Making
Face Masks

Which Normal Do
We Long For?

“Gilgamesh, Where Are You
Hurrying To?”:
Coronavirus and
Search for Immortality

It’s Time to Reclaim
the Apocalypse

Find the Bigotry

Inherited Thought

Be in the Conversation,
Not the Fight

Rites of Passage
in Our Times

The Charity Scam

Confronting Our Growth Obsession
Head On

Open Letter To Business Owners
& Leaders

Name The 21st Century: Adultum

The Future of Business for
These Transformative Times

Revisiting History: Donald Trump
and the Idea of America

An American Imposter

Toward an Imaginal Ecology


Mindfulness in an Age of Distraction

A Wildly Inclusive “We”


Poetry & Fiction

Broken Flower
(or Problem In The Car Line)

Woods Walk & Dusk Witness


There is a Story Written
on My Daughter’s Body

Two Catholics Meet
Over A Campfire

One, Two, Three

Step out

Tornado at Nomad’s End

The Blank Page and
With Each Breath

Letters to Edward Abbey

Mirror and Imprint

“Love You Like”

Courage to…

3 Poems

Nature’s Act Three

The Gathering

Things I thought when I watched the
arrest some boys for stealing bikes
on 55th street

Ride & Edge

The Love That Burns


I Am From…

Just Beneath

Church and Resolutions

In The Shadow

Night Light

Morning Rain

The Christ Life

Beauty Beyond Preference

Let This Be The Sunday

She Enters

Low Areas

Oh The Cold

Fresh Start


Opening Statement…

How To Miss the Boat

White Man Witnessing

Blank Verse On a Blackboard





Re-Imagining Education

Empowering educators to take a deeper look at the stories told in our schools and to re-imagine them in transformative and
nurturing learning spaces.

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Learning Opportunities

Classes, workshops, and lectures that help to empower people to re-imagine who they are and their place in the world.

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Books written by
Re-imagining authors

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The Chicago Wisdom Project offers a alternative to the industrial and corporate models of education that have become increasingly prevalent in the American educational landscape.

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