Everything is Education;
Everywhere is a Classroom
Stakes is High:
Black Men’s College Endeavors
and Educational Desires
After the Pandemic:
Reimagining Teaching,
Parenting, & Childhood
Family & Youth
A Father Talks to his
Daughters about Sex
A Letter to My Daughters: Remembering
the Lost Dimension & the Texture of Life
When the White Cousins Come to Town:
On Race & Gender, Privilege & Fragility
A Microcosmic/Macrocosmic
Perspective On Mothering
The Mis-education of Serenity Hughes: A Journey to Self Realization
A Pedagogy of Protest:
[For the Presidents of Universities
with Pro-Palestinian Encampments]
Snapshots From A
Colonized Planet
Impermanence, Uncertainty,
The Rise of Post-Pandemic
“Gilgamesh, Where Are You
Hurrying To?”: Coronavirus and
Humanity’s Search for Immortality
It’s Time to Reclaim
the Apocalypse
Be in the Conversation,
Not the Fight
Confronting Our Growth Obsession
Head On
Open Letter To Business Owners
& Leaders
Name The 21st Century: Adultum
The Future of Business for
These Transformative Times
Revisiting History: Donald Trump
and the Idea of America
Mindfulness in an Age of Distraction
Poetry & Fiction
Broken Flower
(or Problem In The Car Line)
There is a Story Written
on My Daughter’s Body
Two Catholics Meet
Over A Campfire
The Blank Page and
With Each Breath
Things I thought when I watched the
cops arrest some boys for stealing bikes
on 55th street
Social- & eco-justice
Another Man’s Bread:
Italy, Exile & Dante’s Descent
The Heart of a Stranger:
A Meditation on Borders & Ruins
Virally Black
How do the poet’s words
impact crisis
Social (In)Equity:
My Story as a Social Equity
Cannabis Dispensary Applicant
Healing, Reverence, Justice
(a story of disability in Detroit
and the universe)
The Climate & The Cage:
On Mass Extinction &
Mass Incarceration
Chicago and the
Politics of Fear
MeToo Squared:
Breaking Silence
Business as a Lever for Social Change –
A Path From Inc to Coop
America’s “Kidult” Crisis: What Trump,
The Bundy’s, and Mass Shooters Have
In Common
DRUM’s Soulful Beat:
DESIS Embodying Radical Healing
Innocent Until Proven Black:
A Eulogy for Black Males…
But, Can We Live?
Two Towns. Two Americas: The Story of
Rev. Edward Pinkney
On Vistas, Voles, and Volition
What I Don’t Know: Confronting my own
White Privilege as a Spiritual Teacher
The Lines Between Poetry and Prose:
Why I Wrote A Memoir of No Memory
Compass Me About With
Songs of Deliverance
Mindfulness In a New Colonial Age
The Mowed Meadow;
An Extended Meditation
Re-Imagining Education

Empowering educators to take a deeper look at the stories told in our schools and to re-imagine them in transformative and
nurturing learning spaces.
Learning Opportunities

Classes, workshops, and lectures that help to empower people to re-imagine who they are and their place in the world.

The Chicago Wisdom Project offers a alternative to the industrial and corporate models of education that have become increasingly prevalent in the American educational landscape.